NonProfit Software Features

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Attract, Engage, and Retain new donors with our powerful features

Rhino Nonprofit offers a complete suite of features to help maximize your fundraising efforts. These features are designed to help you attract new donors, engage with your current donor circle, and help increase your donor retention. Our powerful features include online donation forms, donor management tools, automated giving, email campaigns, and other fundraising tools to help raise money for your foundation or cause.


NonProfit Software Donation Forms

Donation Forms

Donation Forms

Accept one-time or recurring donations online.  Create unlimited donation forms from our non-profit software and embed those widgets on your website! 

Charity Giving

Charitable Giving Network

Build a charitable giving network with DonorBOO$T! This solution comes free with our software platform.

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EMV Reader

POS System for NonProfits

Collect donations at any fundraising event! Accept any type of credit card donation including contactless payments with our integrated POS system. 

Donation Processing

Donation Processing

Don’t ever miss a donation again with Rhino Nonprofit! Accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or Amex with our giving platform.

Donor Management

Donor Management

Create unlimited users with  custom donor memberships and sponsorship packages. Easily track and manage all of your donors from one easy-to-use nonprofit system.

Website Themes

Website Design

Create a dynamic website for your non-profit organization or charity! Our website themes comes with donation widgets, a product store, and membership sign up area. This way you can maximize your online donations!